Messier 20 (M 20) - Trifid Nebula

Introduction | Map | Sketch | My Best Own Photos | My Own Observations | References || Appendix: My Own Photos

On this page I collect my observations of the galactic emission nebula M 20 (NGC 6514), called Trifid Nebula, in the constellation Sagittarius.



The galactic emission nebula M 20 in the constellation Sagittarius is called Trifid Nebula because it consists of three parts. According to Stoyan, most observers are disappointed of this nebula when they see it for the first time, because even small light pollution can "extinct" the nebula.

In a Vespera (Pro) mosaic M 20 can be seen together with M 8 and some other DSO.

M 20 (NGC 6514)
Size: 15' x 10' (Stoyan)
Distance: 5,000 light years (Stoyan)
Rating: ** (Stoyan).



M 20 (nearly at the bottom) belongs to the constellation Sagittarius; the map marks further objects in Sagittarius and Scutum that I tried to observe (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,



The sketch by Michael Vlasov ( provides a rough impression of what I might have observed in Summer/Autumn 2016: Sketch of M 20 (Trifid Nebula) by Michael Vlasov (Copyright © Michael Vlasov 2016)

Note: I only have the author's permission to link to the sketch.


My Best Own Photos


M 20 - May 29, 2020


M 20 - Jul 9, 2020


M 20 - Aug 23, 2020


M 20 - May 29, 2020, photo on top processed


M 20 - Jul 9, 2020, photo on top processed


M 20 - Aug 23, 2020, photo on top processed


M 20 - Jul 17, 2021


M 20 - Jul 18, 2021


M 20 - Jul 17, 2021, photo above processed


M 20 - Jul 18. 2021, photo on top processed


Vespera Pro

M 20 and M 8


M 8 and M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 2000p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic


M 8 and M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 2000p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic, processed (PSE)


M 8 and M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 2000p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic, processed (PSE) and denoised (DN)


Evaluation with

Further DSO: IC 1271, IC 1274, IC 1275, IC 4685, IC 4678, IC 4681, IC 4684, NGC 6526, NGC 6546, NGC 6559, M 21

M 20


M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 1800p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic, 1:1 section, processed (PSE)


M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 1800p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic, 1:1 section, processed (PSE) and denoised (DN)


My Own Observations

Observations Summer to Autumn 2016

Observations September to October 2019

Observations May to August 2020

Observations July 2021

Observations June 2024



On this Site

Appendix: My Own Photos


M 20 - May 29, 2020


M 20 - May 31, 2020, strongly disturbed


M 20 - Jun 1, 2020, disturbed


M 18 - May 29, 2020, photo above processed


M 18 - May 31, 2020, photo above processed


M 20 - Jun 1, 2020, photo above processed


M 20 - Jul 9, 2020


M 20 - Aug 23, 2020


M 20 - Jul 17, 2021


M 20 - Jul 9, 2020, photo on top processed


M 20 - Aug 23, 2020, photo on top processed


M 20 - Jul 17, 2021, photo on top processed


M 20 - Jul 18, 2021


M 20 - Jul 18. 2021, photo left processed


Vespera Pro

M 20 and M 8


M 8 and M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 2000p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic


M 8 and M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 2000p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic, processed (PSE)


M 8 and M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 2000p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic, processed (PSE) and denoised (DN)


Evaluation with

Further DSO: IC 1271, IC 1274, IC 1275, IC 4685, IC 4678, IC 4681, IC 4684, NGC 6526, NGC 6546, NGC 6559, M 21

M 20


M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 1800p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic, 1:1 section, processed (PSE)


M 20 - Jun 25, 2024, 1800p (217 frames, 2170s), mosaic, 1:1 section, processed (PSE) and denoised (DN)