Messier 71 (M 71)

Introduction | Map | Sketch | Find/Identify | My Best Own Photos | My Own Observations | References || Appendix: My Own Photos

On this page I collect my observations of the globular star cluster M 71 (NGC 6838) in the constallation Sagitta.



M 71 in the constellation Sagitta is, according to Stoyan, an unusually loose globular star cluster.

M 71 (NGC 6838)
Size: 6' (Stoyan)
Distance: 13,000 light years (Stoyan)
Rating: *** (Stoyan).



M 71 in Sagitta is close to the constellation Scutum/Shield. (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,



The sketch by Michael Vlasov ( provides a rough impression of what I wanted to observe: Sketch of M 71 by Michael Vlasov (Copyright © Michael Vlasov 2016)

Note: I only have the author's permission to link to the sketch.



Find: The small constellation Sagitta/Pfeil lies above Altair (Aquila/Adler); it consists mainly of 4 stars which almost form a straight line. From the left and about in the middle there is one star and on the right there are two stars close above each other. The globular cluster M 71 lies about in the middle between the two single stars on the left and in the middle and a little below the connecting line.

Identify: Once you found M 71 in the way as described above, it is also identified. (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,


My Best Own Photos

Atik Infinity & Explorer 150PDS (December 31, 2017)


M 71 - unprocessed


Ditto - post-processed

  Ditto - post-processed and sharpened



M 71 - Aug 24, 2020


M 71 - Aug 24, 2020, processed


M 71 - Aug 24, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 71 - Oct 19, 2020


M 71 - Oct 19, 2020, processed


M 71 - Oct 19, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 71 - Sep 8, 2021


M 71 - Sep 8, 2021, processed


M 71 - Sep 8, 2021, processed and sharpened


M 71 - original (12 frames = 120 seconds)

Vespera Pro


M 71, Jul 7, 2024 - 1800p (60 frames = 600s), 1:1 section


M 71, Jul 7, 2024 - 1800p (60 frames = 600s), 1:1 section, processed


M 71, Jul 8, 2024 - 1800p (90 Frames = 900s), 1:1 section


M 71, Jul 8, 2024 - 1800p (90 frames = 900s), 1:1 section, processed


My Own Observations

Observations September/October 2018

Observations September/October 2019

Observations August to October 2020

Observations August to December 2021

Beobachtungen July 2022

Observations July 2024



On this Site

Appendix: My Own Photos

Atik Infinity & Explorer 150PDS (December 31, 2017)


M 71 - unprocessed


Ditto - post-processed

  Ditto - post-processed and sharpened

ZWO ASI224 at Omegon PS 72/432


M 71 - Sep 2, 2021, stacked from single frames




M 71 - Aug 9, 2020, many hot pixels


M 71 - Aug 9, 2020, processed


M 71 - Aug 9, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 71 - Aug 9, 2020, many hot pixels


M 71 - Aug 9, 2020, processed


M 71 - Aug 9, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 71 - Aug 19, 2020


M 71 - Aug 19, 2020, processed


M 71 - Aug 19, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 71 - Aug 24, 2020


M 71 - Aug 24, 2020, processed


M 71 - Aug 24, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 71 - Oct 19, 2020


M 71 - Oct 19, 2020, processed


M 71 - Oct 19, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 71 - Oct 19, 2020


M 71 - Oct 19, 2020, processed


M 71 - Oct 19, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 71 - Sep 8, 2021


M 71 - Sep 8, 2021, processed


M 71 - Sep 8, 2021, processed and sharpened


M 71 - Dec 21, 2021


M 71 - Dec 21, 2021, processed


eVscope 2


M 71 - Dec 21, 2021


M 71 - Dec 21, 2021, photo left processed


M 71 - original (12 frames = 120 seconds)

Vespera Pro


M 71, Jul 7, 2024 - 1800p (60 frames = 600s), 1:1 section


M 71, Jul 7, 2024 - 1800p (60 frames = 600s), 1:1 section, processed


M 71, Jul 8, 2024 - 1800p (90 Frames = 900s), 1:1 section


M 71, Jul 8, 2024 - 1800p (90 frames = 900s), 1:1 section, processed