Messier 16 (M 16) - IC 4703

Introduction | Map | Find/Identify | Sketch | My Best Own Photos | My Own Observations | References || Appendix: My Own Photos

On this page I collect my observations of the open star cluster M 16 (NGC 6611), located in the galactic nebula IC 4703 (Eagle Nebula), in the constellation Serpens/Serpent (Serpens Cauda/Head of the Serpent).



According to Stoyan, M 16 is considered as the most beautiful open star cluster in the constellation Serpens/Serpent (Serpens Cauda/Tail of the Serpent). Usually, however, it is simply called "Eagle Nebula" after the galactic nebula IC 4703, the Eagle Nebula, in which it is embedded. But actually these are two different objects. Visually, I have only managed to see the star cluster so far, not the embedding nebula. With the eVscope(2) and Vespera, however, I was also able to see the nebula. However, the pillars of creation are difficult to find because they are only partially visible.

In a Vespera mosaic, M 16 can be seen together with M 17. In a Vespera Pro mosaic, M 18 even fits into the picture.

M 16      IC 4703
Size: 10' (Stoyan)
Distance: 5,700 light years (Stoyan)
Rating: *** (Stoyan)
  Size: 45' x 20' (Stoyan)
Distance: 5,700 light years (Stoyan)
Rating: * (Stoyan)



The open star cluster M 16 (Eagle Nebula) in the neighborhood of Scutum/Shield and Sagitta (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,


M 16, M 17, and M 18 fit a Vespera (Pro) mosaic (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,


Incomplete Vespera Pro mosaic with M 16 (top) and M 17 (bottom)

  Complete Vespera Pro mosaic with M 16 (top), M 17 (bottom), and M 18 (very bottom)



Find: The open star cluster M 16 (Eagle Nebula) in the constellation Serpens Cauda is located at the upper end of a whole collection of DSO in the Milky Way region (see map above). The best way to find M 16 is to locate the lowermost star of the rhombus of the constellation Scutum (gamma Scuti, to the left of it is another star) and then to continue westwards for about 2.5°.

Identify: If the star cluster M 16 in the constellation Serpens Cauda was found in the way described above, it is also identified. (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,



The sketch by Michael Vlasov ( provides a rough impression of what I observed in Summer/Autumn 2016: Sketch of the M 16 Nebula by Michael Vlasov (Copyright © Michael Vlasov 2016)

Note: I only have the author's permission to link to the sketch.


My Best Own Photos



M 16 - Jun 11, 2020


M 16 - Aug 23, 2020


M 16 - Aug 23, 2020


M 16 - Jun 11, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - Aug 23, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - Aug 23, 2020, photo on top processed

eVscope 2


M 16 - Aug 22, 2022


M 16 - Aug 22, 2022, photo left processed


M 16 - Aug 21, 2023


M 16 - Aug 21, 2023, photo left processed



M 16, Aug 15, 2022 - original (90 frames = 900s)


M 16, Aug 20, 2022 - original (89 frames = 890s)


M 16, Nov 1, 2022 - original (180 frames = 1800s)


M 16, Nov 1, 2022 - large (180 frames = 1800s), processed

Vespera Pro


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 2000 (89 frames = 890s)


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 2000 (89 frames = 890s), processed


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 1800 (89 frames = 890s), 1:1 section


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 1800 (89 frames = 890s), 1:1 section, processed (PSE)


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 1800 (89 frames = 890s), 11:1 section, processed (PSE) and denoised (DN)




M 16, Jul 24, 2024 - 1800 (334 frames = 3340s), 1:1 section from mosaic


M 16, Jul 4, 2024 - 1800 (334 frames = 3340s), 1:1 section from mosaic, processed

M 16, M 17 and M 18


M 16, M 17, and M 18, Jul 4, 2024 - 2000 (334 frames = 3340s), mosaic


M 16, M 17, and M 18, Jul 4, 2024 - 2000 (334 frames = 3340s), mosaic, processed


Evaluation with



My Own Observations

Observations Summer to Autumn 2016

Observations September/October 2018

Observations September/October 2019

Observations May to August 2020

Observations July to October 2021

Observations July to November 2022

Observations August 2023

Observations June 2024



On this Site

Appendix: My Own Photos



M 16 - May 29, 2020


M 16 - May 31, 2020, disturbed


M 16 - Jun 1, 2020, slightly disturbed


M 16 - May 29, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - May 31, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - Jun 1, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - May 29, 2020, photo on top processed alternatively


M 16 - Jun 11, 2020


M 16 - Jun 11, 2020, photo left processed


M 16 - Jul 9, 2020


M 16 - Aug 8, 2020


M 16 - Aug 8, 2020


M 16 - Jul 9, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - Aug 8, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - Aug 8, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - Aug 23, 2020


M 16 - Aug 23, 2020


M 16 - Aug 25, 2020


M 16 - Aug 23, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - Aug 23, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - Aug 25, 2020, photo on top processed


M 16 - Jul 17, 2021


M 16 - Jul 18, 2021


M 16 - Jul 18, 2021


M 16 - Jul 17, 2021, photo on top processed


M 16 - Jul 18, 2021, photo on top processed


M 16 - Jul 18, 2021, photo on top processed


M 16 - Jul 29, 2021


M 16 - Aug 20, 2021, poor...


M 16 - Sep 8, 2021, poor...


M 16 - Jul 29, 2021, photo on top processed


M 16 - Aug 20, 2021, photo on top processed


M 16 - Sep 8, 2021, photo on top processed


M 16 - Aug 20, 2021, photo on top processed


M 16 - Sep 8, 2021, photo left processed


eVscope 2


M 16 - Aug 22, 2022


M 16 - Aug 22, 2022, photo left processed


M 16 - Aug 21, 2023


M 16 - Aug 21, 2023, photo left processed



M 16, Jul 31, 2022 - original (29 frames = 290s)


M 16, Aug 6, 2022 - original (35 frames = 350s)


M 16, Aug 15, 2022 - original (90 frames = 900s)


M 16, Aug 20, 2022 - original (89 frames = 890s)


M 16, Nov 1, 2022 - original (180 frames = 1800s)


M 16, Nov 1, 2022 - large (180 frames = 1800s), processed

Vespera Pro


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 2000 (89 frames = 890s)


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 2000 (89 frames = 890s), processed


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 1800 (89 frames = 890s), 1:1 section


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 1800 (89 frames = 890s), 1:1 section, processed (PSE)


M 16, Jun 28, 2024 - 1800 (89 frames = 890s), 11:1 section, processed (PSE) and denoised (DN)




M 16, Jul 24, 2024 - 1800 (334 frames = 3340s), 1:1 section from mosaic


M 16, Jul 4, 2024 - 1800 (334 frames = 3340s), 1:1 section from mosaic, processed

M 16, M 17 and M 18


M 16, M 17, and M 18, Jul 4, 2024 - 2000 (334 frames = 3340s), mosaic


M 16, M 17, and M 18, Jul 4, 2024 - 2000 (334 frames = 3340s), mosaic, processed


Evaluation with