Panasonic TZ202: ISO Comparisons with Sony RX100 M1 (Daylight)

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Comparison Photos - Default PhotoStyle for TZ202 | Comparison Photos - My PhotoStyle for TZ202

On this page, I compare the ISO behavior of the Panasonic TZ202 and RX100 M1 cameras in daylight. For the Panasonic TZ202, noise reduction was set to default and to -5, for the Sony RX100 M1 to off.

Note: Regrettably, the photos of the Panasonic TZ202 are much lighter.


Comparison Photos - Default PhotoStyle for TZ202

Click the previews and sections to see the original photos in a new window. Overall, I got the impression that, using the default settings for noise and sharpness, the Panasonic TZ202 images are a lot softer and less detailed than those of the Sony RX100 M1. As a consequence, the Sony photos exhibit more grain.

Panasonic TZ2002 (1") - Default PhotoStyle


Sony RX100 M1 (1")

Overview   Overview

Panasonic TZ2002 at ISO 125 - overview


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 100 - overview

Detail (100% Crop)   Detail (100% Crop)

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 125


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 100

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 200


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 200

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 400


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 400

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 800


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 800

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 1600


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 1600

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 3200


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 3200

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 6400


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 6400

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 12800




Comparison Photos - My PhotoStyle for TZ202

Click the previews and sections to see the original photos in a new window. Overall, I got the impression that, using the settings for less noise (-5) and more sharpness (+3), the Panasonic TZ202 images show more details and come a little bit closer to those of the Sony RX100 M1. As a consequence, the Panasonic photos now also exhibit more grain (somewhat finer than the Sony).

EV 0 for Panasonic

Panasonic TZ2002 (1") - My PhotoStyle


Sony RX100 M1 (1")

Overview   Overview

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 125 - overview


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 100 - overview

Detail (100% Crop)   Detail (100% Crop)

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 125


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 100

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 200


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 200

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 400


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 400

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 800


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 800

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 1600


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 1600

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 3200


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 3200

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 6400


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 6400

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 12800



EV -1 for Panasonic TZ202

Click the previews and sections to see the original photos in a new window. Overall, I got the impression that, using the settings for less noise (-5) and more sharpness (+3), the Panasonic TZ202 images show more details and come a little bit closer to those of the Sony RX100 M1. At EV -1 they also have more contrast. As a consequence, the Panasonic photos now also exhibit even more grain (somewhat finer than the Sony). Above ISO 3200, the Panasonic TZ202 definitely "breaks down"...

Panasonic TZ2002 (1") - My PhotoStyle, EV -1


Sony RX100 M1 (1")

Overview   Overview

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 125 - overview


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 100 - overview

Detail (100% Crop)   Detail (100% Crop)

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 125


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 100

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 200


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 200

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 400


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 400

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 800


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 800

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 1600


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 1600

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 3200


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 3200

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 6400


Sony RX100 M1 at ISO 6400

Panasonic TZ202 at ISO 12800




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